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воскресенье, 2 ноября 2014 г.

How To Easily Tell Authentic Balenciaga Leather Bags

By Wanda Rosner

In case you are thinking of purchasing bags and most probably you are considering the Balenciaga leather bags as an option, you need to know that there are so many fakes out there. Do not be tricked with the copycats. Balenciaga handbags come in numerous designs that can make a buyer not know how to distinguish between a real and a fake one. The good thing about Balenciaga is that there are mundane yet very crucial features you can look at in order to separate the good from the bad.

Always pay attention to details when buying Balenciaga handbags. Scrutinize the material of the Balenciaga handbag. If it is way too cheap, then the price screams it all. It is probably a fake. Cheap Balenciaga handbags will be spotted from miles away. Fake ones are made from very cheap leather; they are mostly shiny and hard. The original Balenciaga handbag will be soft by just touching its surface.

An original Balenciaga leather bag collapses inwards when the bag is empty which does not happen with the fake models. This is due to their leather that is manufactured into a sure thinness and texture that you can not compare with any other. The fake Balenciaga bags will have hardened tassels quite dissimilar from the authentic one that has soft and loosely hanging tassels.

An original Balenciaga handbag has tassels on each zipper, which might not be the case on the fake brands. Look closely on the rings tying the tassels together and make sure they are sealed. The shoulder strap too should have small spots at their ends and they have one layer of leather all along. Fake Balenciaga bags also have a shoulder strap with a double layer of leather.

Look at the general shape too of the Balenciaga bag you intend to buy. It should be rounded and curved. Fake bags will mostly be having a squared shape or appearance. The handles of the bag are a great tip too to help you examine. Original Balenciaga bags have woven leather handles with a natural look. The fake bags will instead have finished leather which in most cases will be shiny.

You need to also look at the lining and the stitching. The stitching along the top must be black for the authentic Balenciaga leather bags and also their lining should be black as well. Most fakes will come with a lining that matches the outer side of the bag.

Another great tip will be the serial number of the Balenciaga leather bag. The tags of these bags have serial numbers and these tags are usually made into metal on one side and leather on the other side. The serial number should be same in both the back and the front of the tags.

You should also be certain about the outlet where you are purchasing the Balenciaga handbags. Only go for the authorized Balenciaga outlets. This will increase the chances of buying a quality handbag.

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