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вторник, 4 ноября 2014 г.

Save Time With A Pako Needle Organizer

By Etta Bowen

When working on a complex needlepoint, embroidery or cross-stitch project, one of the biggest tasks is threading and re-threading needles with different colored threads. A Pako needle organizer simplifies this task and can save a great deal of time. It helps to keep needles and threads safe and easily accessible with no tangling or slipping.

This accessory has a central control panel raised at an angle so as to be clearly visible. The needles are pushed into small, square, blue foam pads to keep them secure and safe. Fiber numbers and colors are easily tracked on this central panel.

Some blank cards are usually included in a kit. The user writes color codes on these replaceable cards for the project they are currently doing. Card refill packs can be purchased if necessary but it is easy to just photocopy cards too. The foam squares for inserting the needles can also be purchased separately and replaced. Another useful accessory is a nylon bag with a zipper for storage. This makes the accessory easy to transport when traveling.

When working on a piece, it is often necessary to make a few stitches in one color and then change to another. This product means that the needle can be left threaded with this color, popped into its appropriate square and then used again later when necessary.

Such an accessory can accommodate as many as 50 needles. Many people go out and buy as many needles as they need for a project to save them time in the long run. They then thread the needles with all the necessary colors before starting the project. This takes away much of the stress and allows them to simply take pleasure in the project. Sometimes people even use two organizers for a project with many, many color changes.

These products are available from many online sources and both new and second-hand ones are available. When buying such products online it is important to understand the policies of the supplier with regard to guarantees, returns and refunds. Choosing a reputable supplier is essential and reading reviews written by other customers can be helpful.

These products are not that expensive, especially when one considers the greater efficiency they offer. Prices can be compared easily when shopping for them online and prices will often vary from supplier to supplier. One can also come across sales and find discounts or special offers.

These organizers can revolutionize the way a project is done and considerably reduce the time spent. Needles are no longer mislaid as they are safely pushed into their little square foam pads. Colors needed are easily found and threads do not become tangled. The convenience of threading needles with all the necessary colors before tackling a complex project cannot be underestimated.

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