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пятница, 8 апреля 2016 г.

The Use Of Archery Hunting Equipment

By Joseph Butler

Archery is an art that involves the use of bows and arrows. The art has been used in wars and hunting for many centuries by people from different countries and empires. Currently, it is mainly practiced in sports and other recreational activities. The term archers is used to refer to the people who practice this art, while those people who are experts in using archery hunting equipment are known as taxophilites.

This equipment constitute of bow which is a flexible long rod whose ends have been connected with a rope, curving into a D shape. The speed of the arrow depends on the mechanical energy stored in the bow that is triggered when the user pulls the string backwards. The arrows have a length range of 5.5-8 inches.

The early Egyptians are also believed to have used these equipment even in their pre-dynastic origins. Other civilizations that practiced these skills included; Koreans, Indians, Armenians, the Japanese among others. Great developments in archery took place in Asia where it was also considered a form of martial arts.

The American Red Indians alongside the tribesmen of Central Asia perfected in using this equipment while horse riding. The armies in the Central Asian steppes comprised of a large number of experienced taxophilites who successfully conquered vast lands of Eurasia. These soldiers used shorter bows in their battles to enhance flexibility while riding the horses.

Ancient empires situated in Eurasia often associated their barbarian rivals with using these equipment, as shown by the Han Dynasty who always referred to the Xiong-nu soldiers as the bow drawers. The Xiong-nu armies constituting the bowmen on horsebacks were superior to their counterparts and this led to a great expansion of the Chinese empire.

The use of bows and arrows in wars went through a declination phase with the development of firearms, despite the numerous efforts shown by different countries to preserve it due to its past significances. Despite this new development, these skills still used in battle by different countries because it was still effective even in wet weather where the early guns were ineffective.

The use of such skills in recreation was also practiced, evident in famous recreational events like the Killwinning Papingo. Here, the archers used arrows to shoot at a wooden parrot placed at the top of a tower until it eventually fell. One of the oldest sport organizations was created in 1676 by Scottish archers who really valued the exercise.

The Grand National Archery Society in the US played a major role in ensuring that archery recreation was made a sporting activity by standardizing the society the rules applied in this art. Introduction of new sports like tennis in the late nineteenth century brought about the steady decline in participation of the sport. Such developments did not wipe out this art as it is still being practiced as an interesting leisure activity.

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